Monday 2 September 2013


You Will Need :

  • 2 drinking glasses
  • Tap water
  • Red food coloring
  • Celery bunch with leaves
  • Paper towels
  • Magnifying lens

Process :

Fill each glass one-fourth full with water. In one glass, add enough red food coloring to turn the water bright red. Select two stalks from the innermost part of the celery bunch. They should have leaves and a pale green color.

Ask an adult helper to cut across the bottom of each celery stalk. Stand the cut end of one celery stalk in the glass of red water, and the other in the clear water. Leave the celery stalks in the glasses overnight. Remove the stalks of celery from the glasses, and dry each stalk with a paper towel. Use the magnifying lens to study the entire outer surface of each celery stalk. Ask your adult helper to cut a 2-inch (5-cm) section from the bottom of each stalk. Use the magnifying lens to study the cut surfaces of each section. Ask your adult helper to cut a 2-inch (5-cm) section from each stalk at the end nearest the leaves. Again, use the magnifying lens to study the cut surfaces of the celery sections.


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