Monday 2 September 2013


You Will Need :

  • Bamboo skewers or disposable wooden chopsticks
  • Drinking glass
  • Small bar magnet
  • Thread
  • Marker
  • Graph Paper
  • Tape

Process :

Turn your drinking glass upside down. Take one bamboo skewer or chopstick and place it on top of your upside down glass. Make sure one end of the skewer is hanging over the edge of the glass. Tape your bamboo skewer in place. Take a look at your small bar magnet. If it doesn’t have its ends labeled, mark one end so you know which is which. Tie a string around the middle of the Small Bar Magnet. Tie the other end of that string to the end of the skewer hanging over the edge of the drinking glass. Make sure the small bar magnet is far enough above the table that you can draw under it. Put the assembled Compass in one corner of a sheet of graph paper. Trace a circle around the bottom of the glass.

Keeping the bottom of the glass in the circle you drew, turn the compass so the small bar magnet hangs near one edge of the graph paper. Use your marker to make a mark on the graph paper under the spot where the skewer meets the edge of the glass. Make another mark underneath the end of the skewer. Connect these marks to indicate the direction that the skewer is pointing in. Wait for the Small Bar Magnet to stop moving. Once it’s still, draw an arrow underneath the bar magnet in the direction the magnet’s mark is facing. Without moving the paper, rotate your compass so that the skewer points in a new direction. Repeat steps 8 and 9. Remember to let the small bar magnet stop moving before you draw any arrows.

After you have four or more arrow pairs drawn, take note of the directions the arrows are pointing. What do you notice?


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