Saturday 24 August 2013

          It's easy to make colored fire. One of the brightest and most colorful examples of colored fire is green fire. See how to use household chemicals to make green fire yourself.

You Will Need :

  • Boric Acid
  • Methanol or Methyl Alchohal

Process :

          It is extremely simple to make green fire. All you need is boric acid, which is sold in the pharmacy section of many stores, and methanol or methyl alcohol, which is most easily found as a fuel treatment with automotive supplies.

          Pour a little boric acid into a fire-safe container. Add a small amount of methanol, being careful to avoid spilling any on your hands. Light the fire!

Working :         

          The green color comes from heating the boron in the boric acid. Many metal salts burn in characteristic colors like this, though the green fire is probably the easiest to try yourself.


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