Saturday 24 August 2013

          Making a smoke bomb is fun, easy and safe with FOUR different methods. This post will teach you how to make and use a smoke bomb.

NOTE : This material is only for educational purpose.

  1. Potassium Nitrate & Sugar Method
  2. Confection Carton Method
  3. Ping Pong Ball Method
  4. Ammonium Nitrate Method

Potassium Nitrate & Sugar Method :

You Will Need :

  • Saltpeter
  • Sugar
  • A beverage container
  • Baking soda 
  • A lighter or match
  • Mortar and pestle, or something to grind the saltpeter and sugar into powder

Additional in Method 2 :

  • Cooking Pot 
  • Stove or other heat source

Process :

          Buy potassium nitrate (saltpeter) at your local drug store or hardware store. How much you buy is based on how many smoke bombs you want to make.

          Get some sugar (preferably dark brown as it makes the smoke thicker).

          Get a tennis ball, cardboard tube (longer lasts longer) or a container with a lid.

          Put on your safety gear (gloves, goggles, and filter mask).

          Grind the saltpeter and sugar separately into fine powder. It must be a fine powder. Because these materials are flammable, you have to be very careful to avoid sparks while grinding.

          Mix the powders together, three parts saltpeter and two parts sugar by weight.

          Put in a tablespoon of baking soda.

          Pour the mixed powder into the soda can.

          Get a fuse or piece of string soaked in lighter fluid.

          Stick the fuse or string in the top of the can with some sticking out to light - it should be long enough to give you time to leave the vicinity.

          Place the bomb somewhere strategic, and light the fuse.

          Have fun, and be careful.

Potassium Nitrate & Sugar Method 2 :

Process :

          Get some potassium nitrate (saltpeter, KNO3) and sugar.

          Put on your safety gear (gloves, goggles, and filter mask).

          Mix the saltpeter and sugar together in a cast iron pot, three parts saltpeter to two parts sugar.

          Heat the pot slowly over low flame, stirring constantly until the mixture is completely melted (it should have a brown or black color).

          Put in one spoon of baking soda.

          Carefully pour/scrape the mixture into a mold or some tinfoil and let it cool.

          Insert a fuse while the mixture is still soft.

          When the mixture is completely hardened, take it to the desired location and light the fuse.


          When pouring the mixture into the mold, insert another tube, about the size of a marker. Try to get it all the way through. This will create a shaft to allow for more rapid combustion and thicker smoke production. You can then use a fuse the full length of the mold, packing it in with cotton, to let it start faster.

Confection Carton Method :

You Will Need :

  • Old Confection Carton 
  • Can
  • Fuel materials
  • Fuse (black match fuse works best)
  • Pot (non-metal is preferred)
  • Scissors or Knife
  • Small Spike for Drilling
  • Piece of thin paper (the thinner the better)

Process :

          Cut a confection carton with a knife or scissors, to make bands 2 cm in width and almost as tall as the can (just 0.5cm shorter).

          Put on your safety gear (gloves, goggles, and filter mask).

          Pour both some ethanol and your fuel (match heads, black powder, or other flammable material) into a pot and stir it until it transforms to a solution or mixture.

          Soak the bands in the mixture and again stir it.

          Place the pot outside and leave it alone to let the ethanol vaporize.

          Check it - make sure all of the ethanol is vaporized and all that is left are bands with fuel materials clinging on their surface. The bands should look like abrasive papers.

          Drill small holes hip and thigh into a can to make the air (oxygen) go into the can and smoke come out of it.

           Make a paper cylinder out of thin paper, then place it inside of the can; it must cover and sheath all of the small holes from the inner side to prevent fuel powder from leaking out of the can.

          Load the can with bands; place them in the can together and make sure there is no free space remaining between bands.

          Fill and seal the 0.5cm of free space above the bands with remaining fuel powder until the can is fully loaded and no free space is remaining.

          Drill a hole according to diagonal size of your fuse, in the door of the can, then push at least 1/3 of the fuse into the hole.

          Assemble the door and the can and close it hard. Congratulate yourself, you made yourself a powerful smoke bomb.

Ping Pong Ball Method :

You Will Need :

  • 4-5 Ping Pong Balls
  • Tinfoil
  • Source of heat (i.e. lighter)
  • Pencil

Process :

          Gather three or four ping-pong balls.

          Cut a hole in the top of one of the balls.

          Cut the other balls into small pieces and put them in the hole.

          Stick a pencil in the hole wrap the whole thing in aluminum foil (including the pencil. Take the pencil out.

         Use the line of tin foil at the top as a fuse take the smoke bomb into an open area. (You can also use a paper fuse, which is more effective, keep the aluminum foil but make a "stick" of paper and put it in the hole)

          Light the fuse and when it is lit throw the smoke bomb and run

          Watch the smoke come pouring out of the smoke bomb!

Ammonium Nitrate Method :

You Will Need :

  • Instant cold pack of Ammonium Nitrate
  • Water
  • Large bucket
  • Old Newspaper
  • Something to stir
  • Lighter
  • Latex Gloves
  • String

Process :

          Open your cold pack. Take out the water bag inside, after shaking off all of the granules. You can throw it out, because it really has no general use whatsoever. I always throw it on the ground and pop it, though. Its fun :)

          Put on your gloves.

          Add all of the granules into the bucket. You can add a smaller amount if you want to make less smoke bombs, but why would you want too? This recipe only makes a few anyway.

          Now add a TINY amount of water at a time, stirring until the granules have JUST dissolved. If you add too much water, you will end up with 50 newspapers that, when dry, don't give off any smoke at all. When it is all dissolved, you should have about an inch of water.

          In case you are wondering, the white granules are called "Ammonium Nitrate". It is not incredibly toxic if you happen to ingest any, but please try not too. It is not bad if it gets on your skin, but like I said before, it will make you feel itchy. If it DOES get on your skin, wipe it off, and take a shower as soon as you can. Always wash your hands a couple times after you are finished anyway.

          Now. Once you have dissolved your granules, separate your newspaper into single sheets. Separate about 10, in case you need all of them.

          Now it is time for dipping. Fold your newspaper twice to get a loosely folded quarter-square. Put it into the water, and swish it around, submerging it into the liquid for about 30 seconds.

          When you are done, take it out. CALMLY separate it back into a full sized sheet, as it will tare easily, and getting frustrated with it will just have it end up into the trash.

          Lay it out into the sun. Driveway surfaces are fine. If you are in a shady windy area, lay it out, and put rocks/weights on the four corners to prevent it from flying away. The sun dries it quicker, but the wind works O.K as well. You can tell when they are done when they are stiff and can be lifted off of the pavement easily.

          Now you are faced with a choice. You can cut up the newspaper, rip it in half, or leave it whole. You choose. Once you have chosen what you want to do, roll it up. THE BEST OPTION is to take a full sheet, fold it in half lengthwise, and roll it up loosely. You can experiment with different lengths, and widths. Now tie it in the middle. Do not tie it too tight.

          Ammonium Nitrate is combustible, so that once you light it, it will burn all the way through without having to re-light. Give it a shot! If you succeed, there is nothing like the jolt of energy you get when your smoke bomb produces thick plumes of white smoke. If you don't get it to work the first time, don't be discouraged. Try again another time. Try using less water. Be safe, don't do anything too stupid, and have fun with it!

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