Saturday 24 August 2013

     Making a liquid magnet results in something that looks straight from a science-fiction movie! Find out how to do this cool chemistry trick.

You Will Need :

  • Maget
  • Laser Jet Tonar Ink
  • Vegetable Oil

Process :

             You want to pour a decent, but small amount of toner in a glass. Be sure it's not a glass you are fond of and want to keep. Next add a very small amount of vegetable oil. Stir the two until it's a thin consistency.
          Take your magnet and put it to the glass. The solution should react to the magnetic field of the magnet. Magnetic liquid is what's called, ferro-fluid, which is practically oil, mixed with iron bits. The toner and vegetable oil create this.
          You will see spikes because the liquid is attempting line up with the otherwise invisible magnetic points of the magnetic field that is being created. The tension of the surface puts limits on how far the liquid can actually reach. This creates the spike formation.


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